Bonne Maman Orange Jam

Before you start: To ensure good preservation, clean the jars and capsules well. Then dip your lids and jars in a saucepan filled with water and bring to the boil for 5 to 15 minutes. Then let them dry upside down on a clean cloth. You can also put them in the dishwasher!
- Choose 5 beautiful ripe oranges, favoring fruits grown close to home. You can choose sweet or bitter oranges according to your taste, but choose organic ones preferably, because we will use the skin (otherwise you will have to wash them well before). Favor seasonal fruits and grown close to home and in season, they will be tastier!
- Peel the oranges (remember to remove the white part between the skin and the flesh to avoid bitterness) and then cut the peel into thin strips or pieces according to your preferences. Keep the fruit for the rest of the recipe.
- Weigh 110g of chopped peel and place in a saucepan. Cover with 650g of water and start cooking over medium heat, then increasing the heat until boiling.
Bonne Maman's tips
With the remaining peel, you can make orange peels by cooking them and then candied them in sugar.
- Keep boiling for 60 minutes, stirring regularly with a wooden spatula. Cook until the peels are soft and the excess water has evaporated.
- Meanwhile, prepare the orange purée: cut the fruit and remove the central part as well as the seeds. Blend the segments and pass the purée through a fine mesh strainer.
THE tips from Good Mom
You can dry your fruit waste in the oven at a low temperature and use it to flavor your sugar for example.
- Weigh out 590 g of this puree, which you add to the peels once they are sufficiently melted. Bring to the boil while stirring regularly so that it does not stick.
THE tips from Good Mom
If you have any puree left, you can freeze it for future jams or smoothies.
- Reduce the heat, then slowly add 980 g of sugar. Cook for about 30 minutes over high heat (gently boiling).
- At the end of cooking, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Cooking is finished when the peels become more translucent and are evenly distributed in the mixture.
THE tips from Good Mom
To check if the jam will set, pour a drop onto a plate previously placed in the refrigerator, and tilt it: if the drop slides, the jam is not cooked enough. If it sets, it's ready!
- At the end of cooking, off the heat, you can remove the foam that forms on the surface.
- Immediately pour into the jars using a ladle, filling them to the maximum. Close with the appropriate lids and turn the jars upside down on a tea towel to obtain 'self-pasteurization'.
- Allow the jars to cool before labeling them. You can then store your jams in a cool, dry place for several months.
- After opening, keep your jam in the refrigerator and consume it within the following month.