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A story of indulgence

A taste of childhood, authentic flavors, modern know-how: welcome to Bonne Maman!
The The 
story story 
of of 
Bonne Bonne 
Maman Maman 
begins begins 
in in 
Biars-sur-Cère, Biars-sur-Cère, 
village village 
nestled nestled 
between between 
the the 
Cère Cère 
and and 
the the 
Dordogne, Dordogne, 
in in 
the the 
heart heart 
of of 
generous generous 
land, land, 
renowned renowned 
for for 
its its 
many many 
orchards orchards 
and and 
fruit fruit 
trees. trees. 
This This 
is is 
where where 
Jean Jean 
Gervoson Gervoson 
made made 
his his 
first first 
jams, jams, 
with with 
ripe ripe 
fruit fruit 
and and 
sugar sugar 
like like 
at at 
home. home. 
This This 
is is 
how how 
real real 
know-how know-how 
was was 
developed, developed, 
perfected perfected 
over over 
the the 
years. years. 
For For 
his his 
jams, jams, 
Jean Jean 
Gervoson Gervoson 
chose chose 
the the 
name name 
"Bonne "Bonne 
Maman", Maman", 
the the 
nickname nickname 
given given 
to to 
the the 
grandmothers grandmothers 
of of 
the the 
family. family. 
warm warm 
and and 
tender tender 
name, name, 
perfect perfect 
for for 
these these 
jams jams 
as as 
generous generous 
as as 
if if 
they they 
had had 
been been 
prepared prepared 
by by 
mother mother 
for for 
her her 
children. children. 
This This 
name name 
was was 
written written 
in in 
pen pen 
by by 
Suzanne, Suzanne, 
Jean's Jean's 
wife, wife, 
on on 
the the 
first first 
jars, jars, 
already already 
topped topped 
with with 
their their 
gingham gingham 
lids. lids. 
Since Since 
that that 
day, day, 
Bonne Bonne 
Maman Maman 
has has 
always always 
been been 
there, there, 
at at 
breakfast breakfast 
as as 
well well 
as as 
during during 
family family 
snacks, snacks, 
to to 
accompany accompany 
gourmet gourmet 
break break 
or or 
to to 
add add 
the the 
finishing finishing 
touch touch 
to to 
dessert. dessert. 
Like Like 
an an 
invitation invitation 
to to 
take take 
the the 
time time 
to to 
enjoy enjoy 
yourself: yourself: 
dipping dipping 
your your 
spoon spoon 
in in 
the the 
pot, pot, 
chatting, chatting, 
laughing, laughing, 
remembering... remembering... 

Over time, the Bonne Maman product range has expanded. With, always, the same philosophy: simple recipes with quality ingredients, prepared with care, to please those we love. The best thing after homemade!

A loop of love

Know-how matured over time

At Bonne Maman, our best ally is time: the time we give to the fruits to blossom in the sun until they are perfectly ripe, then the time of cooking, slow and meticulous, which preserves the essence of the fruit and reveals its flavors. This patience is the key to Bonne Maman's authentic and generous recipes. Each jam, each spread is a testament to this know-how built up over the years, guaranteeing gourmet and comforting recipes. all innocence!

With Bonne Maman, indulgence is a pleasure that can be savored lightly! Tasted alone, with family or friends, our recipes evoke memories of old-fashioned snacks and homemade desserts, prepared with love. Bonne Maman is the promise of a delicacy that is good for morale and taste buds!

Taking care of those you love

Sharing a Bonne Maman moment means strengthening the bonds that unite us with those we love every day. A spoonful of jam at breakfast, a dessert shared with the family: so many little attentions and proof of affection. And for Bonne Maman, a way to help you take care of your loved ones, to create moments of sweetness where time seems to stand still.


The Pleasure of Fruit

It all starts with fruit grown in open fields, picked when ripe, then processed as close as possible to where it was harvested. With the little extra from Bonne Maman: this know-how of slow cooking, perfected over the years, to preserve the taste and reveal the vibrant color of the fruit. The result? An authentic recipe: fruit, sugar, lemon juice… and that’s it! A philosophy available in many classic flavors, with the flavors of childhood, but also the Intense range, with more fruit and less sugar, or even original and contemporary creations, such as Strawberry Guava. And, always, the pleasure of this texture with tasty pieces of fruit, in a jar that is recognizable among a thousand.

Generous flavours to share

Bonne Maman is expanding its expertise by imagining new generous and delicious spreads. Prepared with care and guaranteed palm oil-free, the Hazelnut and Cocoa spread combines the richness of chocolate with delicious, gently roasted hazelnuts. With family or friends, it's hard not to dip your spoon in it several times!


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