Apple Pancakes with Chantilly Cream and Bonne Maman Hazelnut and Cocoa Spread
Tartinade de Noisettes et Cacao

For the pancake batter
- Place flour in a large bowl. Add sugar, eggs, vanilla seeds or vanilla extract and melted butter. Mix well.
- Gradually add the hot milk and let it sit for a while.
- Heat a non-stick frying pan and add a little butter.
- Pour a ladle of batter, spread it in the pan, then wait until it is cooked on one side before turning it over. Cook all the pancakes in this way.
- Using a mixer, beat the very cold liquid cream with the icing sugar.
- Keep cool.
- Spread each crepe with Bonne Maman Hazelnut and Cocoa Spread.
- Add some apple slices inside.
- Enjoy the crepe with whipped cream. Enjoy your meal!